Grounded Within - Counseling and therapy services in St. George, Utah

Jacob Meddles

LPCC, CSAT-Candidate


Sex/Porn Addiction

Substance Addiction

Partner Betrayal

Mood Disorders

Group Therapy

Counseling Alliance



Jacob Meddles



Other Locations

Cincinnati, Ohio



Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, Counselor, Social Worker, Marriage & Family Therapist Board (Ohio) E.200200


University of Cincinnati
Master of Arts in Counseling, 2016

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Jacob is currently completing his training to become a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT) and is working to help clients and their partners heal from the devastations that sex addiction can cause. As a CSAT- Candidate Jacob receives supervision from Certified Sex Addiction Therapist Supervisors to insure clients get the best care. He is very passionate about helping people reach their full potential.
Jacob has 9 years of experience treating people with substance abuse issues. With the use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), he has aided clients in their recovery journey to help them maintain long term sobriety.
He has 9 years of experience treating clients with mental health issues including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. With the use of CBT and other interventions, Jacob has helped clients learn to lesson and manage their mental health symptoms.
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