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Why Your Porn Addiction Costs More Than A Membership Fee 

The debate of the reality of porn addiction continues among professionals. Due to cultural influence, the acceptance of the addiction is controversial. However, there is plenty of research indicating long-term use of porn can change the way the brain works and responds. As a result, the long-term effects of viewing porn run much deeper than simple pleasure. So, could your porn addiction be costing you more than the website membership fee? 

The pornography industry is a lucrative business. In fact, estimates it's a $13 billion industry in the US alone. Likewise, the internet side of porn alone generates $3 billion annually. So, what's at stake? Could your porn addiction cost you more than the price of a membership? 

In this article, we'll talk about what your porn addiction may really be costing you.

Counseling Alliance - What is porn addiction?

What is porn addiction? 

As previously mentioned, there continues to be a debate about the reality of porn addiction. As a result, you won't find an actual diagnosis in the DSM. However, you will find a variety of clinicians and treatment centers focused solely on treating pornography addiction. But why? 

Porn addiction is when you lose control of your ability to respond to compulsive urges to view pornography. For some, this may mean areas of life become unmanageable without your addiction. For example, if you need to view porn before being intimate with your spouse, you may no longer be in control of that area of your life. Another could be if you begin to turn to porn to escape from difficult emotions or stress. 

Counseling Alliance - why porn addictions cost more than site memberships

Ways Your Porn Addiction May Cost You More Than Website Fees

According to a News Gallup report in 2018, 43% of Americans now believe pornography is morally acceptable. Acceptance could be making it easier to justify your addiction. While it will always remain a personal choice, it can have a damaging impact on many. For example, a rise in acceptability is likely to influence justifying your usage. However, it may not take long before you're thinking about or viewing porn for hours a day. Likewise, it may begin to substitute family time, fill free time, or interfere with work hours. Although it's difficult to put a value on your time, remember, it's not priceless. 

Next, there's the cost of the emotional toll porn addiction takes on you and your loved ones. Studies show those with porn addiction have higher rates of depression and lower self-esteem. Likewise, according to, couples who view porn are two times more likely to divorce. According to top researchers, no research indicates porn leads to long-term benefits for couples. In other words, your addiction may cost you your relationship. 

Another hefty price is the physical ailments. Repeated use of pornography affects the brain. Specifically, it can affect the brain's reaction to both arousal or stimulus. As a result, sexual dysfunction is a common side effect. According to, erectile dysfunction affects 45% of young men with porn addiction. 

At Counseling Alliance, we understand the high price of porn addiction. We help many clients work through their addiction and reach recovery. If pornography is costing you much more than you ever anticipated, we may be able to help. Call us today or visit our website to learn more. 

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