Grounded Within - Counseling and therapy services in St. George, Utah


We offer therapy and counseling services for mental health in Beavercreek, Ohio. Our offices are located at 3045 Rodenbeck Drive, Suite 4, Beavercreek, OH 45434, United States. Call or request an appointment today!


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(513) 376-9757

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Counseling Alliance (Beavercreek, Ohio Office)

Counseling Alliance, LLC is a private group practice with the most Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSAT's) in the Midwest and the eastern United States. If you are struggling because you can't seem to stop using pornography or because your sexual behavior has left a path of devastation, then you have found a caring group of professional who can help. We are trained to help people overcome addiction to sex and pornography without adding to the shame that you may already feel. We are also trained to help partners heal from the betrayal and broken trust.

Many of our Certified Sex Addiction Therapists are also trained marriage counselors and trauma therapists. We have learned that it is important to address the addictive/compulsive sexual behaviors, any past trauma, and the damaged relationships - in order to provide the most complete and effective healing to clients. We offer individual, couples, and group therapy.

We offer customized, full-day therapy sessions that to JUMPSTART your healing. Our JUMPSTART TO HEALING (TM) program can help those struggling to beat porn/sex addiction, betrayed partners, and couples who want to repair their relationships. Our therapists can explain the benefits of the program and can answer any questions that you may have.

Counseling Alliance, LLC's Groups

Sex/Porn Addiction Recovery Group

Limited to 8 individuals in recovery for sex/pornography addiction. Our group therapy leaders have extensive training and experience helping others recover from sex/porn addiction and all group leaders are Certified Sex Addiction Therapists or are in the certification process. In addition to SA groups, we also work individually with addicts, their partners, and we do relationship therapy when couples are ready. Groups are ongoing and/or in the process of forming. We have an active Thursday evening group and will begin new groups when needed.

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Partners of Sex/Porn Addicts Healing Group

Various ongoing groups available or beginning soon. Our therapists are specially trained to help you heal from the betrayal of partner sex or pornography addiction. SA Partner Group leaders are Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSAT) or are in the process of certification. We also work extensively with sex addicts and are trained to do relationship therapy when the couple is ready.

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Jumpstart to Healing (TM) Groups, Couples, Individ

This is not a workshop. It is individualized, intensive counseling by a trained professional. We will set up a plan just for you to help you meet your needs and goals. This is an 8 hour session that has the potential to really change things in a positive way. It is appropriate for small groups, couples in crisis, sex/porn addicts, and their hurting partners. Call us if you have questions or would like more information.

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Meet Our Beavercreek, Ohio Therapists

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Unlocking the key to Connection
By Tina Pocock MSW, LSW May 3, 2022
Holidays can be difficult for those who have experienced loss.
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